
At our best and most fortunate we make pictures because of what stands in front of the camera, to honor what is greater and more interesting than we are.
-Robert Adams

Hi there! I’m Jeff. I was going to write this in typical third party “make-yourself-sound-so-important-you-have-assistants-write-your-bio-because-you-obviously-couldn’t-be-bothered” fashion, but no one would believe I didn’t write my own bio, so I decided against it.

I am interested in all things photo. I was drawn to photography at an early age, when I would steal my fathers Nikon FM and insist that posed family photographs were lame, and obviously undeserving of my talented shutter finger (I was a bratty 8-year old). I continued to enjoy and practice photography throughout high school, until one day during my senior year I decided that yes- this is what I want to do for the rest of my life. I studied photography and filmmaking at Mason Gross, but I realized that while classical training is essential, if I wanted to truly develop (horrible pun intended), practical experience was more important to me.

I co-founded the blur gallery in 2001- we’re a small but talented group of photographers, filmmakers, and graphic designers serving the New York & New Jersey metro area. Please check out my main portfolio here. If you’re a client (thank you!) and would like to access your photographs, please check here.

I’ve had the great fortune of studying under some remarkable photographers and artists, but I’m always striving to improve- This blog was partially created to challenge myself and to ensure I never drifted into mediocrity or complacency. I also wanted a new method of sharing some recent works and take advantage of the audience the interwebs can offer.

I will try to update this site at least once a week, so please visit and comment often! If this is your first visit, please poke around the archives. If you’re hip, you can follow me on Twitter, “like” specific posts to Facebook, check out my Instagram, or use the RSS feed. Of course, if you have any questions or would like to throw bundles of cash at me, please feel free to contact me. Thanks for visiting!